
We have over 60 interest groups covering  a very broad range of subjects. You can see if there are any groups that you would like to join either by using the A-Z list or by searching the subject list. The Group Contact details are shown for each group so find out more by getting in touch with them. You will notice that some of the groups are run by Westerham, Sevenoaks and Knole u3as. As a member of the Edenbridge u3a you can join these groups which means we are able to offer an even broader range of interest groups.

If you can't see anything you like and have a particular interest, we are very open to new suggestions so find out about starting a new group.

Groups A-Z

Groups by subject

Interest Group contacts

A list of the interest group contact details is available to download (excel file).

Starting a new group

There's lots of advice available if you can't find a Group that you are interested in, or have a particular hobby and would like to share it with others.