Newsletter from your Chairman September 2019

The heating is on and Summer is already becoming a distant memory. Completing the story - the apples have ripened and are delicious. It is the biggest crop I have ever known!

It will soon be time to plant Springtime bulbs and wallflowers for some fresh colour in Spring 2020. Children are back at school and many of you with grandchildren living nearby will be back into your routine and all that this entails. But keep some time for U3A activities and groups.
For us in Edenbridge U3A September sees the start of our Winter speaker programme in the village hall at Crockham Hill. Our meeting in two weeks’ time sees the return of a speaker we have had before. This time Ian Keable is looking at an aspect of Charles Dickens that for many of us is completely uncharted territory. “Charles Dickens Conjuror” conjures up some interesting thoughts about one of England’s finest authors! As usual the meeting on 24th September starts at 2pm: remember to bring your membership card.

Have you remembered to renew your membership? If not, you can do so on the door on the 24th - £20 for single membership or £35 for joint membership. Membership lasts until 30th June 2020.
As you know we lost Christine Byrne from our committee at the AGM. So far nobody has come forward to offer to be the PR person for our U3A. Do you live in Edenbridge and could spread the word about our organisation to our local population? If you think you would like to take on this role, please speak to myself or any of the current committee members on the 24th! Alternatively, you can contact me by email – [email protected]

Groups: As a member of wine group 1 (we are now into our fourth year!) we can’t profess to be total wine experts, but we have enjoyed all the experiences that our different members have contributed. Currently our U3A has three groups running but there is now interest in starting a fourth. They need just 3 more members to get the group up and tasting! If you are interested in joining this group please speak to Brian at the next meeting or contact him by email at [email protected]
And finally: I look forward to seeing many of you at Crockham Hill in two weeks for our September meeting.
Best wishes
Mike Collins