Newsletter from your Chairman September 2023
Dear members,
Well, here we are again – the start of our eleventh year of Edenbridge u3a.
I hope you have had a good break in August – maybe on holiday with the grandchildren, maybe just ticking another venue off the bucket list or perhaps just having a relaxing time. Whatever, I hope you are re-charged and ready to go. Covid is still around but with the protection available through all the jabs it just doesn’t seem such a threat anymore.

Our new year starts with some new members of the committee and some changes to roles in our committee also.
This is our new line up:-
Chairman – no change – Mike Collins
Vice Chairman – position vacant
Treasurer – new, Bill Salmond
Business Manager – now to be known as Compliance Manager – Colin Fairman
Minuting Secretary – change, now Brian Swift
Groups secretary – change, now Chris Prickett
Membership Secretary – new, Diana Sharp
New members secretary – Maggie Buckingham
Web site manager – new, Peter Gentry
Speaker organiser – Maureen Young
Where you can please support our committee in the roles they have – all carry out their duties voluntarily.

Now down to business – our first meeting is on Wednesday 27th September at 2pm at Crockham Hill hall. Our guest speaker is Jane Scotchmer who will be talking about Burma, now known as Myanmar. A country that was on our bucket list for a visit till the brutal military takeover some two and a half years ago. At that time Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy Party had just won the General Election in Myanmar with an increased share of the vote.
The Myanmar military disputed the election result, imprisoned the NLD party leaders and set about a brutal crackdown resulting in the deaths of thousands of democracy supporters. These amounted to crimes against humanity and Myanmar is not safe to visit now! I am sure Jane will bring us up to date on Myanmar today.
September sees the re-start of many of our groups. Yes I know that there are some that have continued through the month of August. Remember that if you can’t see a subject in our group list you have the option of joining a group in our sister u3as – Westerham, Knole and Sevenoaks – providing there is a space in that group! Our new Groups Manager, Chris Prickett, will be giving you details of any new groups starting up this year at the September Meeting.
So see you all on Wednesday 27th at Crockham Hill Hall, 2pm start
That’s all folks – stay safe and stay healthy.

Chairman Email ([email protected])
Download the newsletter as a pdf
Previous editions of our newsletter can be found in the Newsletter archive
PS with the hot spell we are having at the moment a few pictures to remind us of how beautiful our sun can be:-