Newsletter from your Chairman November 2022

Hi everyone,
Our mild Autumn is definitely over but at least the extended mild spell has hopefully meant that our energy bills may not be as high as predicted. Our speaker last month, Chris Lloyd, was at his best with an incredibly appropriate talk on his new book Terra Carta. It was extremely thought-provoking. It complimented David Attenborough’s Frozen Planet 2 TV series and was certainly a stimulus for conversation. As I write this newsletter I am aware of the start of COP27, the summit on climate change. Let’s hope they can find some solutions as many of you share my concerns about the effects of climate change and the damage this is doing to our world.
This month our guest speaker is Ian Packham. A research doctor by profession he set himself challenges, and Circling in Africa was certainly one that was questioned by his friends and family as being sensible and appropriate
His target was to encircle the African continent – BUT by using public transport only! Not sure whether a bus pass would be accepted there! Sounds like an interesting experience and I hope you will come to hear about his adventure.

Thank you to those of you who have got up to date with your membership payments. You are now the proud owner of a yellow membership card.
If you have any other coloured card then you haven’t renewed for 2022/23. Our December/Christmas extravaganza is a way of thanking you, the members, for your membership but you will have to be a yellow card member to gain entry to the December Meeting. Numbers are limited to the first 100 and I am sorry to announce that you will not be able to bring any non-member guests to this meeting.
So what are we planning for this meeting?
This is the proposed format for the afternoon of MONDAY 19th December
“Panto comes to Edenbridge u3a”!
We have a real pantomime dame to entertain you
- Mulled wine or soft drink on arrival – doors open at 2pm
- Members to be seated round tables of 8 laden with table snacks
- Pantomime entertainment with Pantomime Dame - Tony Harris. (He was our September speaker as King Henry VIII.)
- Post entertainment Christmas Raffle
- Irish Coffee or tea and coffee with Christmas pies etc. Afternoon finish time between 4 and 4.30pm.
How to get tickets for the Christmas Panto Meeting:
- At the November Meeting on the 30th at Crockham Hill. These will be available on the door and are numbered. You will need your yellow membership card.
- You can request them from me using the email address [email protected]. Your request will be acknowledged and your tickets will be available at the door on the 19th The number on the ticket will be used as your chance of a raffle prize.
See you all on the 30th November at Crockham Hill Hall. Meeting start time 2pm.
Best wishes
Mike Collins
Email [email protected]
PS – I would be grateful if you would please read the article on page 39 of the Winter edition of Third Age Matters

Download the newsletter as a pdf
Previous editions of our newsletter can be found in the Newsletter archive