November Newsletter from the Chairman

What a change this month – once again this year heavy rain seems to be the order of the day. Don’t think there will be a need for a hosepipe ban before Christmas! So much rain that I am sure many of your gardens have turned into soggy marshes. Last to flower in my garden this year is a variety of Guernsey lily (Nerine species) and it provides a welcome splash of colour in November!
After having to make a change to our October speaker at the last minute, Lucy Allen proved to be an entertaining replacement. She has made a very successful career out of being a stunt actor – a role that no one in the audience wished to imitate. For those of you who wish to see film clips of her performances log on to U Tube and type in Lucy Allen, stunt actor. Open up her ‘Stuntreel’ - it is a good compilation of her achievements in both film and television.
This month our speaker on the 29th November is Linda Regan ( Murphy) who is both a successful actress and crime writer. She is married to the actor Brian Murphy _ He played the role of George in George and Mildred). Linda can list two Carry on Films and Hi de Hi as films and TV programmes she has been involved in. The title of her talk is ‘Acting can be murder’ – a reflection on her life in the entertainment industry as both an actress and a crime writer. Should be an entertaining talk again this month.
You may have noticed that we have not announced any meeting or speaker for December. This is because the Crockham Hill Hall Committee have booked the hall out to ‘CHIPS’ a drama company that will be staging a pantomime in the hall. They have a block booking from the 15th December through to the end of the month. So sadly there are no slots in December for us to hold a meeting. We have decided to provide some free festive refreshments after Linda’s talk on November 29th by way of some recompense.
As you know as a member you are able to join interest groups in Westerham, Sevenoaks and Knole u3a’s alongside our Edenbridge groups ( providing there are spaces in their groups) I have just received details of a 5 day escorted tour holiday in South Wales at the end of April next year. This has been organised by Westerham u3a and they have a few spaces available for some of our members to join them on this occasion. I will give further details at our monthly meeting but if you think you would be interested in this tour of the Historic Houses of Cardiff, the Wye valley and South Wales then email me at ‘[email protected] ’ and I will put you in contact with Gary Robinson of Westerham u3a who is organising the trip
It’s nearly that time of the year when you buy a new diary, wall planner or start filling in your phone calendar so here are some dates for you for 2024
List of Speaker bookings for the new year:
Jan 31
Tommy Cooper
Feb 28
The world of Art Nouveau
Mar 27
Where do novelists get their ideas?
Apr 24
The trial of Lady Chatterley
Finally – Edenbridge Bonfire Society once again put the town on the news map with their choice of Sadiq Khan as the effigy to be burnt at the bonfire night event. Despite the rain it was so good to see over 500 people taking part in the procession of floats through the town. There was also a very good turnout of spectators to cheer on the procession.
Below are some photos taken on the night.

Stay safe and well – see you on the 29th November
Best wishes

Chairman Email ([email protected])
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Previous editions of our newsletter can be found in the Newsletter archive