Newsletter from your Chairman March 2023

Dear members
I am writing this on the 8 March watching the snow tumbling out of a very grey sky. Perhaps we will get a real bit of Winter after all! No beast from the east though!
I gather that Katherine Collett kept you all entertained last month and that she had a lovely voice.
This month we keep the entertainment theme going with Paul Robbins talking to us about the 60’s. I don’t know what it was like for you but for me as a teenager approaching adulthood it was an exciting time to be growing up. He will be talking about many aspects of life in the 60’s including people, events, news and of course music! His talk is entitled ‘A decade of change, life in 1960’s Britain’. Looking forward to seeing many of you on Wednesday 29th March at Crockham Hill Hall, 2pm.
For those of you who like to plan your diaries ahead here are the speakers for the next 4 months:
26 April - Lucy Allen Stunt lady in films
31 May - Barnard Locket Gilbert and Sullivan
28 June - Jane Ramsay Duke and Duchess of Windsor
26 July - James Dickinson Arundel Castle /Fitzalan Howards
All at Crockham Hill Hall, 2pm start.

More good news about our groups.
Mike Buckingham is considering setting up a snooker group. This will be held at the Victoria Club at Lingfield on a day to be arranged with members. Interested, then sign the sheet at the March meeting.
Fiona Lewis runs a family history group and currently has a few vacancies. Inspired by the TV programmes tracing back the lives of celebrities this has become a must do activity for many of you. Want to join her group then please contact Fiona at coffee time at the March meeting.
My group - Primary Science and technology for grandparents - has a few vacancies. Now that all primary schools are teaching science from the age of five the aim of this group is to help understand and share some of that science that your grandchildren are covering in those primary years BUT in a child friendly, fun, and supportive way. The other focus is on problem solving approaches including both science and technology. You are welcome to try it and see to decide if it is an appropriate group for you. NO detailed scientific background is necessary. Talk to me if interested after the speaker session at our March meeting.
Website Manager – as you know Sue Farrell wishes to relinquish her role as website manager. I am pleased to announce that Peter Gentry will be taking on the role from July. Thank you, Peter, for stepping forward, and welcome to the team.
Membership – current membership is now over 200 – back to where we were before the pandemic. Our current year ends at the end of June – memberships will need to be renewed in July. We will be discussing membership fees at the next committee meeting, but I am hoping we can keep them at the same level as 2022/23. Single membership at £20 works out as £1.67 a month. For that your membership entitles you to attend 11 guest speaker meetings, including free tea/coffee and biscuits, plus membership of groups that are of interest to you. Now that’s what I call ‘Value for Money’.
Finally – I have been in the role of your chairman for about 8 years and have enjoyed every aspect of the role. But now I think it is time for some ‘new blood’ to be in that position so I am giving notice that I will be standing down at the end of next year (June 2024).
That’s all folks – stay safe and stay healthy, see you on the 29th
Mike Collins
Chairman Email ([email protected])
PS Good news – by the time I had finished this newsletter the snow had almost gone and it is now raining!
PPS Photos taken in Hanoi, Vietnam last month … for those planning a trip on a scooter!
It’s a bit crowded out there!
Crossing the road is quite tricky but can be done!

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Previous editions of our newsletter can be found in the Newsletter archive