Newsletter from your Chairman June Special 2021

Hi everyone,
2020/2021 has certainly been a year of many changes. Earlier this year I wrote to you about the need to find a new venue for our meetings. We had to make a decision and the only option at the time was to move to Edenbridge Hall (WI hall) and change the meeting time from afternoon to morning. I know that some of you expressed sadness at having to leave our established base at Crockham Hill. I am pleased to announce to you all that circumstances have changed and we are now able to continue to use Crockham Hill Village Hall for our meetings. This will start with our AGM in July which will now be held there. I am sorry that we couldn’t get Tuesdays back for our monthly meetings, but this day was just not available from September.
There will need to be some changes from September and I detail these below:
- Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 27th July at 2pm at Crockham Hill Village Hall. The format for the meeting will be the same – a short AGM meeting followed by some group leaders detailing their activities. The meeting will conclude with refreshments and an opportunity to ‘catch up’ with other members. For more details see the separate Notice about the AGM.
- Our monthly meetings will start as planned in September. Apart from the December meeting all of our monthly meetings with a guest speaker will be on the last Wednesday of every month and will start at 2pm as before. Thus, our Autumn programme now looks like this:
September – Wednesday 29th start 2pm at Crockham Hill
October – Wednesday 27th start 2pm at Crockham Hill
November – Wednesday 24th Start 2pm at Crockham Hill
December – date to be announced.
As your committee we are all delighted to be able to return to the lovely hall at Crockham Hill with its superb facilities and large free car park. We hope that you all feel the same!
Finally – as you know our catering manager, Caryl Hayes, had to relinquish her role but I am pleased to announce that we have a replacement to ensure a continuity of our refreshment service. Fiona Dashwood will be taking on the role from next month and she will be ably assisted by Christine Byrne. I am sure that some of you will volunteer to help them in this important role.
Looking forward to seeing many of you again at our meeting on 27th July
Best wishes
Mike Collins
Email [email protected]
Previous editions of our newsletter can be found in the Newsletter archive