Newsletter from your Chairman January 2020

I hope you all had a good Christmas break and, if it involved grandchildren, you were in good voice for the pantomimes. So what will 2020 bring? So far it has seen a scary situation develop in the Middle East, a royal couple deciding to go their own way and our Government finally securing and passing a Brexit deal!

For many years the gasholder in Oxted was the familiar landmark. Today the skyline is dominated by two huge cranes involved in the construction of the large apartment block where the gasholder once stood. We will soon see this block grow up into the skyline.
So what of our U3A in January. Unfortunately our guest speaker for January dropped out and so Paddy set about finding us a replacement. I am pleased to hear that he has been successful in his search. On Tuesday 28th our new speaker will be Wilf Lower talking on ‘Behind the scenes of Television’s Golden Years’. Wilf has had many years of working in television so his talk promises to be a bit of nostalgia coupled with anecdotal evidence of what it was like to have been part of that era pre-Sky and all the channels that we can get today.
Thank you for your nice comments about our December meeting. Pete Allen, our guest speaker, set the right tone ready for Christmas and it was good to see how the ukulele band is progressing.
That’s all I have for you this month. I look forward to seeing you on the 28th and I wish you all a happy and healthy 2020
Best wishes
Mike Collins