Newsletter from your Chairman February 2020

At the time of writing this newsletter we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of storm Dennis – will it be ‘Dennis the Menace’? We survived storm Ciara last week although our rail network locally seems to have come off particularly badly. Fencing contractors have suddenly become very busy!
Where is Winter? Another month goes by without any snow or real ice. It is midFebruary, but the soil is warm, so I have daffodils in flower, tulips budding up, hazel catkins out and herbaceous perennials poking through as if it is March/April. I even have wallflowers trying to flower! In case you are fed up with all the grey wet weather here is a photo to take you away to a sunnier and warmer place - Le Morne Beach, Mauritius, in January.

So, what is coming up for the end of this month? On Tuesday 25th our speaker will be Alan Haines talking on ‘The Baby Boomer Nostalgia Show’. This follows on nicely from our speaker in January who took us back to the glory days of television and reminded us of some of the many brilliant programmes that came out of the BBC in those early days. Continuing feelings of nostalgia Alan explores what shaped and inspired a whole generation and, in the words of Harold Macmillan, told us “ We had never had it so good “. His talk sounds like the perfect antidote to get out of this damp and drab February we are having. Start time as usual is 2pm in Crockham Hill Hall.
Can you help? A separate organisation has booked to use part of the upper car park at the hall for the week beginning the 24th. Car park space will therefore be restricted so if you can car share to get to this meeting it would be very helpful.
Groups News:
“15 – 2, 15 – 4, 15 -6, and a pairs 8 “ will be familiar calls to those of you who have or still do play crib. It’s a great card game and Christine Prickett is setting up a group of people who would like to play pairs crib. She has 5 on the list so far but would like a few more before getting the group under way. Interested? Then sign up on the list at the meeting at Crockham Hill.
Table Tennis
Again, there is some interest from a few members to join up with the table tennis group that is currently running at Chiddingstone Causeway on Monday evenings. This group is open to U3A members but is not officially one of our groups. Players of all abilities are welcome. Again, sign up at the meeting.
Exercise and Wellbeing
Are you still trying to regain that sylph-like figure you had before Christmas? Perhaps the wellbeing and light exercise group being run at Edenbridge Leisure Centre might just be the answer you are looking for. See Christine Byrne or Sandra Gentry if you would like to join this group.
I will not be seeing you on the 25th but will be back in the saddle in March. Some sunshine and warmer weather beckons.
Best wishes
Mike Collins