Chairman - Maureen Young
Vice Chairman - Philip Newstead
Treasurer - Bill Salmond
Membership Secretary - Diana Sharp
Groups Coordinator - Chris Prickett
Compliance Secretary - Colin Fairman
Newsletter - Sandra Gentry
New Members Secretary - Maggie Buckingham
Website - Peter Gentry
Speakers - Maureen Young
Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibilities of each Edenbridge Committee Member were agreed in September 2013. However, roles develop over time and in the light of experience so the list should only be used as a guide to the role of each Committee Member. All Committee Members are volunteers so these roles may be negotiated except for those aspects that are statutory, for example the role of the Treasurer.
Chair committee meetings
Attend, make announcements and introduce speakers at monthly meeting or delegate the task
Prepare administrative section of annual handbook
Attend Kent U3A chairman’s meetings
Visit study groups occasionally by invitation
Attend major Edenbridge U3A events – Christmas lunch, group contacts’ meetings, regional events etc
Supporting or covering for committee members if they are overloaded or on holiday as required
Collate and distribute appropriately offers of help contained on membership application forms
Compliance Secretary
Organise permanent membership of National U3A
Photocopy forms and other information as requested by committee members
Organise membership data for submission to National U3A
Advise on all matters relating to National U3A membership and Annual General Meeting administration.
Membership Secretary
Send out membership forms
Put membership details on spread sheet
Send payment and page 1 details to treasurer
If interested in joining existing study groups email appropriate group contacts
If interested in starting or joining a new study group send details to Groups Coordinator
If offering to help in other ways send details to chairman
Periodically send forms to Chairman for storage, sending details to National office as required, and updating membership database
Send membership forms, membership cards and study group lists to new members or give out at meetings
Ensure new members are made welcome at meetings
Handle bank account, bank cheques and cash, pay bills
Pay speakers, venues, expenses etc
Liaise with National Office over capitation payments, insurance for equipment borrowed etc
Report on financial situation to committee at meetings
Prepare annual budget and ensure it is examined and printed in time for AGM
Collect subscriptions at meeting. Receive refreshment donations and pay expenses
Work with the Chairman to prepare the agenda for each committee meeting.
Prepare minutes of committee meetings and email to committee after submitting to chairman for approval
Prepare the agenda for the AGM and circulate previous years minutes if appropriate
Prepare the minutes of the AGM
Store an archive copy of minutes and agendas.
Administrative tasks as required.
Groups Coordinator
Deal with queries regarding study groups
Collate waiting lists for new or full study groups
Facilitate setting up of new groups with Chairman
Collect information on study groups for website and monthly email
Ensure Web administrator has an up to date list of study group contacts
Receive copy and photos from committee members and/or group contacts and edit content for newsletter when required.
Produce articles for monthly email newsletter when required and forward electronic version to web administrator
Create posters for monthly meetings and distribute
Liaise with press to market U3A activities
Design, collate and edit annual handbook (e and print versions) as required
Social Events Sub Committee
Organise Christmas Lunch
Organise summer event for group contacts and committee
Help and advise on other social events
Organise cake and refreshment rota at monthly meetings.
Web Administrator
Maintain and develop website.
Keep up to date email distribution lists and send out newsletters and other communications
Respond or forward appropriately messages received via the website
Help committee and group contacts when requested to set up and effectively use U3A emails
Seek information from committee members, group coordinators and others as appropriate for inclusion on website.
Prepare Notice Board for monthly meetings
If you would like to join the Committee or can offer help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Committee Members. There may be a maximum of twelve elected or co opted members of the committee each serving a maximum of six years.